What do u think of this research for BPD?
I am not done I have to write 5 more pages. How is the beginning ?

Everyone knows about Depression, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, and anxiety disorder, but does anyone know what Borderline Personality Disorder is about? It is one of the most common disorders in our society. Almost 10 million Americans or more may be affected by BPD. Out of the 10 million 75% are women. People all over the world suffer and some to this day, don't know what they are suffering from. It is a relatively new disorder so it might be unknown to general population. Though the disorder was first defined in the 1930's, it was only in the 1970's that people began seeking therapy for the disorder. In the 1980's BPD was included in the American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic manual, third edition, called the DSM-III, the diagnostic 'bible'' of the psychiatric profession. What is Borderline Personality Disorder? How do borderline traits develop? How are they passed down thought families? How can it be treated?
Borderline personality disorder is a very serious and confusing disorder. People with BPD have a hard time with living a normal healthy and stable life in or out of relationships. They are never satisfied with their life no matter were or with who they are. Their relationships often start with passionate love and end with intense hate. There is a famous quote written by Thomas Sydenham, who was 1700s century English physician, '' they love without measure those whom they will hate without reason.'' Often in the begging of a relationship they admire, adore, glorify or even worship the person. They love to spend time with their significant other. As time goes on they spend less and less time in their affair because they feel abandoned when their partners aren't there of them as much as they want. If they feel or when they feel abandoned they start to make the relationship hard for others to handle. They either blame their partner or them selves.
Thanks SH2007. I wanted to ask u for help, but wasn't sure u were online

It's a lot better than it was hun

may i suggest maybe putting this bit at the start.. I was told once a great way to start an assignment or piece of written work is to often open with a question so what about putting..

"What is Borderline Personality Disorder? How do borderline traits develop? How are they passed down thought families? How can it be treated?" at the start?

its a lot easier to read and makes more sense, good work:)

"when their partners aren't there of them as much as they want" sounds really bizzare. My sister has BPD so if you have any questions fire away

~~Magic Stufff~~
To long to read sorry

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