I hate wearing makeup, how can i get rid of the dark circles under my eyes?
I am 19 years old, i live a very healthy lifestyle...i eat well and i've developed quite a good exercise program for myself. I drink lots of water (more than enough).... and I get enough sleep!

Other than those factors (diet, exercise, water, sleep) Im not sure what is causing these dark circles. I read somewher that if you have light skin to begin with, the circles wont go away...but im not pale..

How can i get rid of the dark circles under my eyes? Without makeup. also...the pores on my nose...I notice tiney tiney blackheads. They're really not noticable unless im looking really closely in the mirror but, what can i do to minnimize those as well? Again, without makeup.

you dont need a ton of makeup. just use a concealer stick that is a bit lighter than your skin. And just swish it on.

But if you wanna stay away from makeup, there are some special lotions for that. good luck

Steven C
Eat more salads and easy on the dressing.

For the dark circles, you can use a concealer. For blackheads, you can use a skin cleanser/facial pads.

Neutrogena has an eyecream that is really helpful for those dark circles. It is a brightening eye cream and costs about $ 7-15 for a tube.

Lisa J
You might want to see a dermatologist. They have different products and treatments for blackheads, plus they might have a recommendation for your dark circles. You could also try a facial scrub for your nose.

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Orignal From: I hate wearing makeup, how can i get rid of the dark circles under my eyes?