Why aren't I losing weight?

Posted by Simon | 12:28:00 PM

Why aren't I losing weight?
I am a 14 year-old girl, almost 15. I live in NZ, and I weigh about 72kg.
I am 1.57 m tall.

For the past 3 and a half months I have had a healthy, consistent diet that includes lots of fruit and vegetables (on average, I have about 6+ servings of fruit and veges a day), a small amount of chicken, lamb or beef and a small portion of carbohydrates. I do a fair amount of exercise as well, about 4 1/2 hours of tennis a week and I usually walk to and from school. (My walk to/from school is about 1.5km one way.) I eat less than most people my age, and I rarely eat unhealthy foods.

I have not been losing any weight so far, and I am very unhappy about this. My weight is an issue for me, and even though I know I am not very overweight, I worry about it often. I'm not comfortable about wearing clothes that show much of my flesh and I absolutley despise clothes shopping. I feel very out-of-place at school and around my friends because of my weight, and all I want is to fix it. I want to be able to enjoy the things most teenage girls do!!

Why am I not losing weight? If anyone can help, please do, because this problem is greatly affecting my self-esteem and happiness about life.

Thank you!!

Fruits contain sugar which in return turns into fat. Cut out the fruits and exercise about five times a week. :)

Always remember this, which is the base of losing or gaining weight. If you take in more calories than your metabolism burns, the result is a gain in weight and vice versa. So you need to know how many calories you take it by checking the nutrition summary on the items you eat. You can also go to calorieking.com and this site will give you info. Once you have this information it will be helpful because then even if you don't know how many calories you burn, at least you can adjust your diet according to the amount of calories you take in and see if this will help. if it does'nt, then it could be a medical condition concerning your thyroid and you can go check it out with your doctor. Don't worry about the whole thing though-just be proactive in striving to be healthy and you will be!!!

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