changing my diet, i need food suggestions/healthier living suggestions, PLEASE.?
here are my health goals for 2010 i would like some advice on things to eat, meals, alternative food that fit into these rules below, thank you very much! (im young and i want to have a healthy life and figure i better start now.)

NO: cornsyrup/frutose, carbonation, artificial sweetners, food coloring.
CUT DOWN ON: sugar intake, salt intake, caffine intake (except tea.), processed foods.
INTAKE MORE: water, fruits, vegtables, whole grains, intake more omega 3's, dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate.
& of course exercise regularly.

any suggestions on things for me to bring to lunch, snack on, or make a meals? THANK YOU!

Ok .You should do a daily For breakfest cherios,and for lunch salad and for dinner a healthy brocilli,and you can only have a small snack a day(one small snack) And if you eat like this you should be healthyAnd only one icecream a mounth ok! be healthy girl buh bye! have a question just e-mail me!

Tabouleh is a good lunch item because it's very portable, easy to make and has lots of vegetables. It's also tastier than a plain salad.

Make 1/3 of a cup of brown rice. To this, add finely chopped onion, tomato and parsley. The parsley is meant to be a vegetable in itself, not a garnish, so add a decent amount in proportion to the rest of the items. Stir this together and dress with a little olive oil, salt, pepper, etc.

Also, kipper snacks are a very good meat item. They're made from herring fillets, and unlike sardines and other little fish that come in tins, kipper snacks are smoked so they don't have an overly strong fish taste. If you really hate fish, you still might not like kipper snacks, but they're very good and have more omega 3 than most any other fish. In fact, herring, sardines, anchovies and other little fish are a better source of omega 3 than salmon.

As for sweeteners, honey is great. It's a lot sweeter than sugar but has less carbohydrates and is less processed. Agave is good too.

If you're switching to whole grains like brown rice from white rice, bear in mind that brown rice takes a lot longer to cook and requires around twice as much water per batch than white rice. Additionally, most Americans have minor deficiencies in vitamin C, and 15% have subclinical scurvy, so you should eat a piece of fresh citrus every day. I usually go for limes just because I love the taste, but all citruses are good sources of vitamin C. Red bell peppers are also a GREAT source of vitamin C.

You should really try and take it more gradually, otherwise you will be more likely to give up and return to old habits. You also need to see which changes make you feel better and which don't, if you do it slowly you will know if you are doing something your body does not agree with.

I suggest starting with eating one type of whole-grain eg, bread and then add another "rule" each week.

its not about dieting its about making healthy eating choices for life
healthy food does not have to be nasty
suggestions for breakfast (this what i eat)
honey bunches of oats, with soy-milk, sliced bananas
english muffin, strawberry cream cheese, oatmeal
cold cut sandwich, with cucumber, lettuce, tomato, low fat mayo with olive oil, sun chips
water, lemon, tea, minute maid orange juice
fruit twice a day
crackers, and tuna fish
turkey ground meat
turkey bacon
Marie Calenders best fast food ever !
with the calorie intake, stay active to burn off calories.

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Orignal From: changing my diet, i need food suggestions/healthier living suggestions, PLEASE.?