by Paul Wittal
How can I live a healthier lifestyle?
I'm in highschool and I play sports all three seasons, field hockey, hockey, and track. I'm a vegetarian, and I love junk food even though I don't get it very often. I rarely drink soda or go out to eat. What are some healthy things I could do?
It is pivotal to eat effectively to remain healthy. Colon cleanse is an awesome suplement that keeps you healthy and also has the bonus of helping you to lose a pile of weight. There's a free trial going on at the moment at , why not check it out, why not?
Sounds like you're already healthier than 99% of the people on the Internet. Aside from the obvious (don't smoke, don't drink, don't do drugs), you're still young so maybe you should be enjoying yourself more often. You're only young once, so go out there and make some memories.
Also, you could try out some activities that will stimulate you mentally (since the physical aspect seems to be well taken care of). Take an art class, go to museums, learn a new language. Basically just find out what else is out there that you might like besides sports.
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