What are some things that movtivated you into exercise/health/fitness?
I'm just having trouble finding that old fire to take care of myself and get back into shape.
Just wanting to feel young again and run around like I was 20 is motivation for me... also hypertension/diabetes etc... run in my family and it is a way to reduce the risk of both if I do what I need to do now.
In Amerika
Make yourself want it. Willpower is born of desire. Realize what it is you really want and that realization will make you want to lose weight.
Lady D
For me it was family history related issues, when cholesterol was getting high, even though I did not want to do it... had to.... actually starting liking how it made me feel, after working out!
its a good idea to get a buddy to help you on getting you more motivated. read tips and article on weight loss and exercise programs on this site
Don't sacrifice what you want to day for want you want tomorrow. In other words, do not take that piece of cake, a min on the lips years on the hips
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