Why is Kristen Stewart a B*t(#?

Posted by Simon | 4:27:00 AM

Why is Kristen Stewart a B*t(#?
A bee-otch,bicch, beeech, or beoatch, it rhymes with beach, in case Y!A censors it out.

You get what I mean; a mean person who loves to hurt others.

Why does she act this way? She is young, healthy, and most importantly rich!!! Oh yeah, and famous!!!!! Her life is a fantasy! Her parents support her, and they are not even divorced! She does the easiest job in the world; pretend to do stuff. LOL The actors that got paid to be teachers in the movies probably got paid more than actual teachers!

So she has no stress, health problems, family problems, or any problems. She is part of a best selling franchise. I am confused as to wtf is going on here.

Some homeless people are happier than her! I see people that have horrible problems treat people nicely.

Once she was on a Canadian show, the interview lady asked Kristen about her movie Adventureland. She not only did NOT answer ANY of the nice woman's questions. She laughed at her and said nonsensical ramblings. Something about kids and feet. WTH? The host of the show, rather rightfully, called her a b* tcH. Then she turned into Superb*t(# and had the nerve to call the show and DEMAND an apology. WTF? She should have apologized to them for being so mean and rude.

She is also a horrible actress, so she is not even doing her job well. (See the Twilight and/or New Moon trailer for evidence.) Some people act like they can treat other people horribly because they believe that they are better than everone else, or they have so many problems that they just don't care to be nice. Now these are all excuses. I understand not caring for someone that abused you. But when someone is being nice to you and you are being mean back, you are a 8*t(#. That's it there is no excuse for that behavior. Some may say "She's just a spoiled brat." I have seen children of the rich and famous act more kindly than her. So that is no excuse either. I guess the parents are letting her run wild. I've seen pictures of her smoking cigars, smoking weed, and she just looks like she's on drugs at all times. I just guess she will die of a drug overdose pretty soon. If she just turned 18 and she is allready CHAIN SMOKING for goodness sake!

Why is she so mean? I don't really care for her. After she OD's I'm sure many people will celebrate and even dance on her grave. What I care about is the values of the USA. People DIED for her to have the right to act in peace. For her to practice any religion, for her to have freedom of speech. "Life, liberty, and the persuit of happiness." Right? Why is she going out of her way to make people unhappy? Why is she taking away other people's freedom of speach to call her out on her evil behaviour? Why is she acting like she is the queen of the world? She is a role model for kids, like it or not. And A LOT of kids today, unfortunately, look up to her. A drug addict. A b*t(#. A mean person. A person that disregards the law. We are all role models, since kids look up to adults. We ALL have to act well to set an example. Twilight fans have stolen and defaced Burger King property. By stealing and ripping off the huge posters on it's displays. I have never heard this happenning before. Never.

See the kind of stuff she is starting. This horrible atitude. Why does she act this way? Some entertainment news show (The insider) awarded her the "Top 9 of '09 Award" meaning she was one of the high points in entertainment in the year of 2009.

Here's the list of people on there;
1. Michael Jackson
2. Farah Faucett
3. Donald Trump
4. Sandra Bullock
5. Bill O' Riley
6. Taylor Swift
7. Taylor Lautner
8. Robert Pattinson
9. Kristen Stewart

All the still living people nicely took the award and said thank you, even if the thank you seemed fake. But Kristen put on her b*t(#face, squinted in confusion, insulted the host by saying "yeah" sarcasticly, and sort of laughed at him.


Her's where I get confused. Why did she act mean to that guy? He was being ONLY nice to her. WHY was she mean. This has happened in countless other interviews. So it's not just a phase, this is the way she is, sadly. But why?

And please, only serious answers. If you are a fan of Kristen Stewart don't come on here and insult me. If you must answer, explain why you are a fan of such an evil person.
Thanks kayleecakes! The one where she was called a b*t(# was taken off youtube within hours of it being put up. And I can't find The insider one.

But here is another video off The insider's website that shows Kristen ignoring questions, acting mean, and being sarcastic:


enjoy :)
Oh! I found the video where the guy calls her a b*t(#.
Here it is:


enjoy :)
The link is not working for the second video. Let me try again:

Another link:


hopefully this will work

I say get a life!! You're just jealous it's not you who's famous!!!!!!!!!!!! Get over it, move on

I stopped reading after da 2nd paragraph.

You Okay,BB?
why is Kristen such a peach?
Gee wizzle, learn how to rhyme. Beach doesnt not rhyme with a female dog.

Why so long? O_O

Sit your ass down mmmkk????
U need some help, and why does this even bother u?? She is not even that famous to me. Its not like she is Rihanna

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